Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross is the ISSA media director, with publications that include Cleaning & Maintenance Management, ISSA Today, and Cleanfax magazines. He is the previous owner of a successful cleaning and restoration firm. He also works as a trainer and consultant for business owners, managers, and front-line technicians. He can be reached at [email protected].

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The Final Frontier: June 2016 Foreword

June 2016 Foreword by Jeff Cross It’s always refreshing to hear from our subscribers by telephone or email about how they value the information in...

May 2016 Foreword: Doom & Gloom of working with insurance companies

At the RIA’s International Restoration Convention & Industry Expo in Orlando recently, I was privileged to attend several workshops that were truly beneficial to restoration...

Above and Beyond Basic Truckmount Maintenance

Think back to the time when you first decided to go into business. You might have chosen to clean carpet with a portable extractor, or...

April 2016 Foreword: Trumped!

If you enjoy playing cards, you know what a trump card is and the power it holds. When you have it, you feel pretty good....

March 2016 Foreword: Way Too Cheap

“My competition's pricing is so cheap!” “I can’t believe how little they charge for cleaning.” “I saw one of their estimates. It was about three...

February 2016 Foreword: Dating Prospects

Peter Crosa, an independent insurance adjuster, a good friend of mine and one of the instructors at the Restoration Strategies workshops, said something to me...

Study your Customers

Psychology, according to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, is this: “The scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in...

The Seven Deadly Sins

For our industry, you can, no doubt, think of more than seven business decisions or mistakes you hate (and unfortunately sometimes make)… those decisions or...
Alphabetized organizing filing system, close-up. Shot in studio with Phase One.

The Directory… and More

It’s that time of year again… time for you to thumb through the absolute best and most thorough compilation of industry manufacturers, suppliers and distributors,...

The Winter Truckmount Guide

It’s almost here, and for some of us, it will probably arrive with a vengeance. That’s right… winter is just around the corner, and for...


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