Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross is the ISSA media director, with publications that include Cleaning & Maintenance Management, ISSA Today, and Cleanfax magazines. He is the previous owner of a successful cleaning and restoration firm. He also works as a trainer and consultant for business owners, managers, and front-line technicians. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Ignite, Entice, Embrace [Jan/Feb 2018 Foreword]

By Jeff Cross Posting a message using just words is not bad, but it’s not the best way to build engagement. It's time to embrace...

The 2018 Carpet Cleaning Industry Leaders Review

By Jeff Cross The 2018 Carpet Cleaning Industry Leaders Review is about success. Lessons learned. Obstacles overcome. Challenges tackled. Take a few minutes and read...
Modern Residential Urban Sprawl

Radon Remediation: Diversification Opportunity, Lifesaver

By Jeff Cross The list is long — really long — of profit-boosting diversification opportunities available to cleaning and restoration contractors. Most of them are...
A businessman sits on a floating question mark as he brainstorms about a possible solution.

The Commodity Conundrum, Part 2 (October 2017 Foreword)

CLICK HERE FOR PART ONE. In "The Commodity Conundrum, Part 1" from the September 2017 issue, we discussed how some might view cleaning and restoration...

Sprayer Applications

It's a fact ... some carpet and furniture cleaners skip the preconditioning step in cleaning. Others may apply preconditioner, but not the amount recommended by...
Dangerous storm over ocean.

Harvey’s Devastating Path of Destruction

HOUSTON — Hurricane Harvey came ashore and caused devastation that affected millions of people. Estimates say the losses would put Harvey as the second costliest storm...

Aramsco’s Safety Express Acquires Select Pro

Safety Express Ltd, an Aramsco company, is pleased to announce the acquisition of Select Pro (previously known as Fournitures Select). Based in Montreal, Quebec City,...

ICE EXPO Under New Ownership

LAS VEGAS — As of Friday, July 7, the ICE Corporation and its flagship event, ICE Expo, has been acquired and is under new ownership....
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Online Poll: Technical Expertise or Customer Service?

As a business owner, you want to take care of your clients. There are two ways to do this: With technical expertise or with customer...

The Makeup Of The Toughest Stains

When trying to determine why some stains are tougher than others — stains that are of the same content — think about simple chemistry. Anything...


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