Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross is the ISSA media director, with publications that include Cleaning & Maintenance Management, ISSA Today, and Cleanfax magazines. He is the previous owner of a successful cleaning and restoration firm. He also works as a trainer and consultant for business owners, managers, and front-line technicians. He can be reached at [email protected].

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Professional Spot and Stain Removal Procedures

The standard of measurement of your entire cleaning ability can all come down to a tiny spot on the carpet. And even if the result...

Red Stain Removal

Carpet cleaners with many years of experience remember the days when red stain removal was performed with the heat transfer method. They would first clean...

The Uber Effect, Part 1

Let me run a scenario by you, take some time to think about it, and then answer the question I have for you at the...

Cleanfax Show Guide

Cleanfax-Experience Show Guide 2017

Cleaning Microfibers

Over the years, furniture made from microfibers has gained in popularity. And for several good reasons. Consumers appreciate saving money on furniture purchases, as these...

Carpet preconditioning best practices

Getting a head start when beginning your carpet cleaning project makes for a faster, more successful job. Applying the proper preconditioning agent is a head...

RIA Post-Show Report (With Photo Gallery)

PALM SPRINGS, CA - The RIA Convention and Industry Expo is a wrap, with event organizers reporting healthy numbers for this year's event.  


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