Groundbreaking Carpet Cleaning Ad Possibilities
Carpet cleaners have long been dreaming that their Facebook page-post ads would lead directly to phone calls and jobs. This dream is now a reality....
Woman-owned Businesses
Standing in the parking lot of my company, watching a technician yelling at me because he did not want to communicate with “a woman owner,”...
Price Fixing
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), common third-party pricing guides may be in direct violation with the FTC rules on “price fixing.” According to...
What’s In Your Prespray?
Cleaners will, just like all trades people, cuss and discuss the characteristics about the tools of their trade. Personally, I enjoy hearing cleaning and restoration...
The Contents Manager
Just about everyone knows what a project manager is and what he/she can do. But one of the best kept secrets in the restoration industry...
A quick guide to Oriental rugs
One of the most difficult challenges you may face is cleaning Oriental rugs. What makes them challenging? An Oriental rug may have been made in...
The Art of Negotiating With Adjusters
In an old Allstate Insurance Company textbook on negotiations from the 1950s, I found this paragraph: “Negotiating is perhaps the most challenging and, to many,...
The Value of Invasive Moisture Meters
In the August issue of Cleanfax magazine, we discussed how to select an appropriate meter type for the measurement needed in a water damage restoration...
Nylon Fibers and Stains
Nylon accounts for more than 60 percent of total carpet fiber consumption. Ninety percent of the nylon carpet consumed by the residential sector and nine...
Carpet Cleaning and the Environment
When it comes to environmental issues, some carpet cleaners are like the perennial ostrich, sticking their head in the sand and hoping that the EPA...