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The Spot and Stain Removal Process

The accumulation of soil on textiles is one of the factors that cause textiles to deteriorate. Spilled food, for example, can turn a textile that...

Saving flooded carpet

Can carpet be saved once it's been sitting in water? The cleaner/restorers standard answer usually is "it depends". Often, saving or not saving flooded carpet...

The power of effective sales meetings

As a sales manager, the most important one to two hours of your week is the time spent with your team in weekly sales meetings...

How and When to Raise Prices

It is important to know when and how to raise prices. When it is done well, it will greatly improve the quality and profitability of...

How Long Does it Take Mold to Grow?

Q : How long does it take mold to grow? A: Interesting question. As a technician who has performed many water damage mitigations and mold...

Make money with air duct cleaning

With the indoor air quality field exploding due to media attention, public awareness, and government regulations, the air duct cleaning and decontamination industry is experiencing...
Money concept. Shoe on dollar floor

Economic impact of poor indoor air quality

Oftentimes, poor indoor air quality (IAQ) is associated with potential health issues — and rightfully so. But, while looking at the adverse health effects, you''ll...

Tear Gas Cleanup Procedures

In the cleaning and restoration industries, we are always looking for ways to diversify and stay relevant in a world that expects service professionals to...

Oxidizers and reducers

Bleaches fall into two categories: Oxidizers and reducers. These can be useful in removing a wide variety of stains. To use them effectively, it helps...

The advancement of odor control chemistry

Smell is a particularly acute sense, with a strong psychological component. During the middle ages, people draped posies around their necks to ward off plague....


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