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Surface Water Activity and Organism Growth

Microbial growth occurs at the surface level of a material. Microbiologists have learned that the moisture at the surface level must be at a certain...
Handing over key

Gifting Your Business

As John, the owner of a local full-service cleaning and restoration company, nears retirement, he begins wondering what to do with his business. Though it...

The Benefits of Air Scrubbing

Air filtration devices, or AFDs, with HEPA filtration are increasingly important in restoration. Their value is particularly critical on jobs that involve high levels of...
Petri dishes with Bacteria

No Mold. No MRSA. No Odor.

Homeowners, athletes, travelers, hospital patients, senior living occupants and office personnel all have one thing in common: More than ever, occupants are concerned about bacterial...

Contractors Pollution Liability insurance and you

Most Cleanfax readers have heard of "Contractors Pollution Liability" (CPL) insurance at least once in the past. However, most readers have little now idea what...
Make Business Plan First words on Road Sign

Sound Strategy

Businesses that develop and execute formal business plans consistently outperform those that have no formal plans. We’ve all read the articles and seen the statistics...

Interpreting Grain Depression in Context

Grain depression is a useful measurement for the restoration contractor to use when evaluating the effectiveness of the equipment in use. However, other readings, especially...

How to Get More Water Damage Jobs

We are asked by companies all the time about how to get more water damage jobs. And our response is: Do every marketing outlet you...

Protectors for Nylon and Wool

In a recent conversation with Gordon Hanks, the chief executive officer (CEO) of Bridgewater, I learned that the carpet cleaning business they started almost 40...

Contents Inventory Systems

  Successful contents restoration depends heavily on the pack-out. An orderly pack-out paves the way for an efficient restoration workflow, and a disorderly one results...


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