Groundbreaking Carpet Cleaning Ad Possibilities

Carpet cleaners have long been dreaming that their Facebook page-post ads would lead directly to phone calls and jobs. This dream is now a reality. With new advertising options, carpet cleaners now have an easy way to get jobs from Facebook.
With three ads costing just 60 dollars, I received over $1,000 worth of business recently. I will explain how I achieved this so that you can do the same:
Step 1: To start with, you need to have a Facebook business page. If you do not already have one and don’t know how to get one, just search YouTube for instructions on “How to set up a Facebook business page” and follow the instructions.
Step 2: Set up your page and create a post or status update. Be sure you include a picture with text as pictures get more interaction.
Step 3: Go to your personal newsfeed and click on the link that says “Create an Ad” to make your ad. This should be on the top right corner. It will ask you to select a page, and probably only one option will show up so click on it.
Step 4: Make sure you select “Promote Page Posts” which is an option you will see in the middle of your screen. There will be a drop-down that lets you see the post you made in Step 2. Next to Sponsored Stories is a link “Remove;” make sure that is clicked.
Step 5: This part is exciting as you can target who sees your ad by sex, age, interests and city. For example, you can specifically target women between the ages of 30 and 50 live within a 15 mile radius of your area. Think about all the different possibilities that could be applied in your area when you are creating your ad.
Step 6: A good amount to begin your campaign budget is $5. You can always add to it when your ad begins to really bring in business.
Step 7: The last step is to click on “Place Order.” It will take 24 to 48 hours to get your ad approved as it is reviewed by humans. You will get an e-mail from Facebook if your ad is rejected or when it goes live.
Now that you know the technical side of putting up your ad, let’s look at what actually makes the phone ring. To begin with, your picture is important. Make sure it is cute, funny, interesting or has some quality that will attract attention. Pictures of carpet, living rooms or carpet cleaners would be too boring. If it is a fun-looking ad, then they will not mind it, and they will want to look at it. Remember, the whole point is to get their attention.
Right above the picture is where you want to put all your essential information and make your pitch. Your special offers, phone number and your call to action should all be right there with a link to your website. What I call the Hook-Pitch method is the combination of picture and text because it works like a charm. Here is a video where you see example ads and can watch the process with screen shots.
Follow these guidelines and you will see results, but you do need to test and see what works for your specific area. This is the just beginning of paid canter page ads on Facebook, so get started now and learn the basics. The process is going to keep changing, so start while it is simple, and it will be easier to keep on top of the changes as they happen.
Joe Burnich operates a design and marketing firm ( and specializes in helping business owners with carpet cleaning websites that work. Burnich also owns a carpet cleaning business. His in-depth marketing experience makes him uniquely qualified to design and optimize websites for the online carpet cleaning industry. He incorporates the "practice what you preach" philosophy to help fellow carpet cleaners succeed as he has. Contact Burnich at (406) 214-6504.