What You Might Have Missed in the September 2019 Cleanfax

NORTHBROOK, Ill.—September 30, 2019—It’s officially fall, and the September 2019 Cleanfax issue still awaits you—packed with insight into restorers’ and carpet cleaners’ business needs. It’s online and available for your perusal at any time of the day or night.
In the new issue, you’ll find all the great management, technical, and marketing tips geared specifically toward carpet cleaning and restoration professionals that you’ve come to expect from our landmark publication.
A range of topics from the September 2019 Cleanfax issue include:
- The Definition of Clean and Cleaning The word “clean” may mean something different to the customer or the legal system than it does to the professional. You might not know as much as you think.
- Developing Multiple Marketing Sources How many different sources do you need to become a multi-million-dollar company?
- 3 Ways You’re Getting in the Way of Your Restoration Company’s Tech Transformation Technology is an enabler to the goals of any restoration business. Here’s a look at its impacts and how to better implement it.
- The Greatest Need, part one The restoration industry needs a platform for collective advocacy. The time is now.
- GBAC and Microbial Warfare The GBAC and ISSA merger will impact health.
- How I Got Into Contents Cleaning More than 70% of claim value comes from contents, but only 60% of restoration companies offer contents cleaning. Learn more about the service from those in the industry.
- Assessment and Testing Make sure buildings are cleared for use after large-loss events.
- Tibetan Rug RescueThe September 2018 photo contest winner is Murray Peacock of Peacock Rug Care in Ottawa, Canada for rescuing a flood-damaged Tibetan rug.
Also, read the Foreword to the September 2019 Cleanfax issue by Managing Editor Amanda Hosey in which she looks at why all members of the cleaning and restoration industry should attend ISSA Show North America this November.
Check out this month’s sponsored look at the latest products from industry-leading companies.
You can also read the September 2019 digital magazine in full.