RIA Will Reschedule 2020 Restoration Convention, Host Virtual COVID-19 Conference
NEW ORLEANS—March 17, 2020—The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) has announced that due to the risks of the coronavirus outbreak and the Louisiana Governor’s order that public gatherings not exceed 250 people, the RIA 2020 Restoration Convention + Industry Expo will be postponed. The event was originally scheduled for April 14-16 in New Orleans.
According to their website, RIA is committed to hosting the Convention and will announce new dates for the event soon. Additionally, RIA will host a virtual conference to deliver important information for restoration contractors who may be dealing with COVID-19-related cleanup and sanitation. The virtual conference will help prepare contractors to protect themselves from hazards and mitigate risk.
The virtual conference will also host a town hall meeting to provide updates on the RIA Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee (AGA). The AGA has been working to advocate for the best interests of restorers and to create a level playing field where restorers are paid a fair price for their work. The AGA will provide updates on its strategic initiatives, fundraising, and the work of its subcommittees, as well as information about how you can get involved. Check the convention website for more details about the virtual conference and the new dates for the RIA 2020 Restoration Convention + Industry Expo.
We’ll keep you informed as more changes are announced for upcoming industry events, so keep checking back for all of Cleanfax’s news and updates on the coronavirus outbreak. Also be sure to visit the ISSA resource page, www.issa.com/coronavirus, where you can access all of GBAC’s coronavirus tip sheets and other current information about COVID-19.