Online Poll: Smartphone Use

closeup of hands with smartphone in the office, airport or modern train station


NORTHBROOK, IL—July 29, 2019Smartphones have changed the way we do just about everything, including business. Your smartphone likely allows you to make sales calls, return emails, track product deliveries, send invoices, and read the latest Cleanfax has to offer, all from a device that’s never farther away than your pocket. Having all that functionality at your fingertips can be both a blessing and a curse because, while convenient, it means the job is always right there in your pocket, too, asking you to check in.

That’s precisely our query in our latest Cleanfax Online Poll. How many times a day do you look at your smartphone? Is your smartphone the multitool that you never put down, or do you just use it for phone calls and email? Perhaps you’ve resisted this particular wave of technology and don’t have a smartphone at all. Let us know below!

Participation takes only a moment of your valuable time. While your response is confidential, your answer just might help another person in our industry make a business decision or find solace in shared misery. Take a moment to share your thoughts with the latest Cleanfax Online Poll regarding smartphone use.

Take part in the latest poll here:

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Looking for the results of a previous poll? Visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics, such as how you pay your techs, what’s most important when buying a new truckmount, whether auto dialers work when fishing for new business, and many more.

Cleanfax Staff

Cleanfax provides cleaning and restoration professionals with information designed to help them manage and grow their businesses.

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