Ken Larsen Honored with Coveted Martin L. King Award


PALM SPRINGS, CA — Long-time industry vet and activist Ken Larsen is the Restoration Industry Association’s choice for the coveted Martin L. King Award.

The Martin L. King Award is presented to individuals who are recognized for their extraordinary service and dedication to restoration. The announcement was made at the RIA’s Awards Banquet and Celebration at the Renaissance Palm Springs Hotel on Thursday, April 6, 2017.

“As the steward of RIA’s Martin L. King award selection committee, it is always gratifying to facilitate the will of the committee as they decide who will be named to receive the association’s most prestigious award,” said Pete Consigli, a prior MLK award recipient. “RIA has a 71-year legacy of industry leadership and the MLK award has been given annually since 1986. This year’s winner truly exemplifies the spirit of the award. The late Marty King would be proud of this year’s recipient as he will carry on Marty’s legacy through RIA’s signature Certified Restorer advanced certification program with integrity and honor!”

Cliff Zlotnik, also a prior MLK Award recipient, added: “While cloaked in secrecy, the most challenging issue surrounding the annual awarding of the Martin L. King award is simple: There is always a list of worthy recipients and there is only one award. It’s common for a winner to have been previously nominated on multiple occasions. My heartfelt congratulations to Ken Larsen on his receipt of this overdue and well deserved industry recognition.”

Larsen, CR, WLS, CMP, has 40 years of experience as a restoration contractor, working with the manufacturing segment of the industry and — close to his heart — has spent many years as a devout supporter of the RIA and a defender of the rights of restorers globally.

As many commented during the event , Larsen is admired for his passion to make positive change in the restoration industry.

Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross is the ISSA media director, with publications that include Cleaning & Maintenance Management, ISSA Today, and Cleanfax magazines. He is the previous owner of a successful cleaning and restoration firm. He also works as a trainer and consultant for business owners, managers, and front-line technicians. He can be reached at [email protected].

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