ISSA Names 2024 Achievement Awards Honorees

Golden trophy awards

ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, revealed the 2024 ISSA Achievement Awards honorees. The annual awards program recognizes cleaning and facility solutions industry professionals who are committed to driving the industry forward through their positive contributions in their businesses and beyond.

These four honorees will be recognized Nov.19 during the ISSA Spotlight Event and Awards ceremony at ISSA Show North America 2024, which takes place Nov. 21-24 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas.

“As ISSA continues to champion excellence in the cleaning and facility solutions industry, we are grateful for the dedicated individuals who drive innovation and uphold the high standards that define our association,” said Matthew Schenk, ISSA 2024 Board President. “Congratulations to this year’s Achievement Award honorees. I look forward to honoring their remarkable contributions at the upcoming celebration in Las Vegas.”

The 2024 Achievement Awards and their recipients are:

  • The ISSA Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who, in the opinion of the ISSA board, deserves recognition for substantial contributions to the advancement of the industry and/or to ISSA over a significant period. This year’s recipient is Walter Dethlefsen, Network Services Co chief operating officer. Over his 40-year career, all with Network Services, Dethlefsen has brought together the top independent distributors, manufacturers, and customers to create lasting partnerships and business growth. He has a remarkable ability to connect people and find common ground.
  • The Jack D. Ramaley Industry Distinguished Service Award, reserved for individuals with at least 10 years of outstanding service to the professional cleaning industry, will be presented to Carey Jaros, GOJO CEO. Jaros exemplifies the values that define our industry. Her character, professionalism, kindness, and innovative thinking shine through in all she does. Jaros is a strong advocate for cleaning and facility solutions, consistently giving back to the industry by mentoring, supporting emerging leaders, and championing women in our field through the ISSA Hygieia Network. She generously shares her time and expertise in countless ways, making an impact that resonates across our community.
  • The Manufacturer Representatives’ Distinguished Service Award, which recognizes individuals who support manufacturer representatives, the industry, and ISSA, will be awarded to John Carroll of TPC Enterprises. Carroll’s professional journey began in 1973, where he built a solid foundation in direct sales for various manufacturers. By 1992, Carroll transitioned to become a manufacturers’ representative, providing support to the industry even after his retirement. His passion for fostering growth continued in 2023 when he took on a new role as an industry consultant, helping emerging manufacturers make valuable connections with established reps.
  • The ISSA Rising Star Award in Honor of Jimmy Core acknowledges one of the class of 30 ISSA Emerging Leaders who has made positive contributions to their organization and the industry. Konstantin Ekelman, BradyPLUS director of sales, receives this year’s honor after being selected through an industry voting process. Ekelman brings a unique blend of professionalism, humility, and innovation to his role. He leads a highly respected team of sales professionals, earning admiration from colleagues and customers alike. His approach is built on fostering strong relationships, treating everyone like extended family. His care for both his team and clients forms the foundation of his leadership, creating a culture of trust and growth.

Join ISSA in celebrating these four Achievement Awards recipients at the ISSA Spotlight Event and Awards ceremony on Nov. 19 at 9:00 a.m. PST at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas. Register now for ISSA Show North America 2024 here.

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