DKI undergoes majority shareholder change

WOOD DALE, IL — Disaster Kleenup International (DKI) has undergone a new majority shareholder change and former Chairman of the Board, Frank Headen, has sold his shares to Charles Ebersole, president of Eastern Diversified Services, according to a press release.
With the shareholder change, the parent company name has also been changed from DKI Holdings LLC to DKI Ventures LLC, the release stated.
"Today marks an important day in our history and I am honored to welcome Charles to the DKI family, said Dan Cassara, president and chief executive officer (CEO) of DKI Ventures LLC.
"Charles' vast knowledge of the restoration business, along with additional resources, will allow us to continue to evolve, meet the needs of the industry and better serve our valued members," Cassara added.
In early 2011, Frank Headen began a process to transfer his DKI interests in an orderly manner so that he could realign his investment goals, the release stated.
According to the relase, although there were several options available, Frank felt that Charles Ebersole was the best option for DKI.
Click here to read the release in its entirety.