WSA Announces 2023 Scholarship Recipients

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The scholarship committee for the Workplace Solutions Association (WSA), Powered by ISSA, is proud to unveil the recipients of the 2023 Independent Office Product and Furniture Dealers Association (IOPFDA) scholarships. The committee, chaired by WSA board member Robin King, former owner of Schwegman Office Supply, awarded a total of US$40,000 to students pursuing higher education.

Established more than 50 years ago by the WSA (formerly known as IOPFDA), the annual scholarship program has awarded nearly $3 million in scholarships to deserving families of office products and office furniture dealers and is supported entirely through individual and member contributions.

“We extend our heartfelt congratulations to these exceptional students for their well-deserved scholarship awards,” said WSA President Charlie Kennedy. “Each recipient has demonstrated outstanding academic achievements, remarkable leadership qualities, and unwavering motivation. We take great pride in supporting their educational journey and wish them immense success in all their future endeavors.”

This year’s top scholarship recipients, recognized for their exceptional accomplishments, are as follows:

Recipient Name

WSA Member Organization

Carolyn Wei ($6,000 scholarship)


Madeline Brown ($5,000 scholarship)

S.P. Richards Co.

Raynor Singleton ($4,000 scholarship)

Kennedy Office Supply

Madison Litzinger ($3,000 scholarship)

McCartney’s Inc.

Additionally, the committee announced that the recipient of the George A. Thompson Award, accompanied by a $2,000 scholarship, is Abigail Benson, representing Bluefin Office Group.

The annual award, named in memory of George A. Thompson, is presented to an exceptional applicant who not only excels academically but also dedicates their time and effort to community service and assisting those in need.

The winners of the $2,000 scholarship awards include:

  • Sophia Bettinger, Cartridge Savers Inc.
  • Savannah Brosius, Guernsey, Inc.
  • Kara Dix, Storey Kenworthy
  • Rachel Gauthier, Sayes Office Supply
  • Julian Hisarza, The Weeks Lerman Group
  • Samuel King, Kennedy Office Supply
  • Ally Lance, FSI – Asheville Office
  • Maria Sickmeier, Complete Printer Source
  • Patrick Spencer, Dawkins Office Supply & Equipment Co. Inc
  • Tyler Summerville,

The IOPFDA educational scholarship committee and the WSA commend all the winners for their remarkable achievements and look forward to witnessing their continued growth and success. These talented individuals serve as inspirations to future generations, embodying the spirit of excellence, compassion, and leadership. For more information, visit

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