What you missed (or hopefully didn’t) at the Experience

LAS VEGAS — The 2014 Experience Convention and Trade Show, held September 3 – 5 at the Mirage Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, experienced record-breaking paid attendance with over 2500 people present, according to a press release.
The event was overflowing with educational sessions and hands-on opportunities in addition to the very busy trade show hall.
This year there were giveaways valued at over $60,000 in prizes, and the 2014 Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award was presented to John and Lara Olson, owners of Superior Cleaning Solutions, were presented the 2014 Ralph Bloss Humanitarian Award.
Attendees also enjoyed a new feature this year in Mikey’s Fest, where they found multiple hands-on demonstrations, and Mikey’s Fest gave away over $37,000 in prizes and raised money for a local pet shelter.
“Our vendors loved the added new dimension of the Mikey’s Fest outside which boosted sales for your vendors,” Larry Cooper, Managing Partner for The Experience, said in the release.
Adam Hale, from Carpet 911 in Boise, Idaho, was named the winner of the new Speaking Contest in which five speakers presented on different topics and were judged by the audience and a panel of experts. Hale was announced as the top winner during the Prochem/ Experience Pool Party and won $2.500.
The next Experience show will be in Clearwater Beach, FL, April 27 – 29, 2015.