Top 10 States With the Most Collection Accounts

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The personal finance website WalletHub released a report on the States With the Most Collection Accounts to identify where Americans’ financial futures are most in jeopardy. WalletHub compared the 50 states based on four key metrics, including the average number of collection accounts and the average balance, as well as the change in those values between the second quarter of 2024 and the third quarter of 2024.

Wyoming topped the list with an average of more than four accounts per resident in collections. Wyoming also has the highest average balance per collection account, at US$1,981. Still, collection account totals are changing for the better in Wyoming, though not as much as in other states. 

Montana ranks second, with an average of around three collection accounts per resident in collections. Montana residents also have the fifth-highest balance per collection account, at $1,668.

Nevada has the third-most collection accounts, with an average of three collection accounts per resident in collections. The average balance per account is $1,673, which is the 4th highest in the country.

Delaware, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alaska, Texas, Georgia, and Vermont rounded out the top 10 states with the most collection accounts.

The states most fiscally in shape were Massachusetts, New York, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Mississippi.

For the full report, click here.

Source: WalletHub


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