Top 10 reasons to heat up your carpet cleaning methods


MUKILTEO, WA — Most cleaning and building professionals know that heat is one of the four fundamentals of effective cleaning (the other three are time, agitation, and chemical action). However, some professionals are unaware of why heat is so essential when it comes to cleaning carpets.

To clarify these hot issues, we turn to Doyle Bloss, vice president of sales for  U.S. Products (manufacturer of hot-water carpet extractors).

Bloss offers the following top 10 reasons to use heat when cleaning carpets, as well as explaining why heat is so crucial to effective carpet cleaning:

  1. Heat helps "suspend" soils so that they can be more easily removed. Soil suspension refers to the separation of soil from the carpet fibers being cleaned.
  2. Higher temperatures tend to expand carpet fibers, allowing them to release soils more easily.
  3. Heat speeds up molecular activity of the cleaning chemicals, enhancing their effectiveness.
  4. Heat helps break down grease and oil, making it easier for them to be extracted from the carpet.
  5. Hotter water breaks down water-soluble soiling faster.
  6. Heat acts as a catalyst, promoting quicker reactions between cleaning chemicals and carpet soils.
  7. Because it improves the effectiveness of cleaning chemicals, heat can reduce overall chemical usage. Using less chemical can reduce cleaning's impact on the user and the environment.
  8. Carpet cleaning tasks can be completed more quickly using heated cleaning solution, reducing water and energy consumption.
  9. Heating cleaning solutions to a higher temperature refreshes and restores carpet texture. The carpet is literally "fluffed up" by the hot-water cleaning process.
  10. Hotter water evaporates more quickly than cold, reducing customer downtime waiting for carpets to dry.

"It can be generalized that the hotter the temperature, the greater the ability for the cleaning process to be effective," adds Bloss. "While this may not be true in every carpet cleaning situation, it is certainly true in most."*

*Note: Some protein-based stains such as blood, egg, and gravy should be cleaned with cool water. Also, wool carpets should not be cleaned with water/solution over 160°F.

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About U.S. Products

U.S. Products is a leading manufacturer of carpet, upholstery, drapery, stone, concrete, and tile cleaning and restoration equipment, tools, and chemicals for the floor care professional. In the manufacturing industry, quality, reliability, and innovation are words that are frequently advertised. At U.S. Products, we have the track record to demonstrate that we have put these words into action.

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