Tips for entering the commercial carpet cleaning sector


BIRMINGHAM, AL — In the March issue of Cleanfax, you’ll find a brand new installment of Commercial Cash Flow, which addresses the toughest barriers to getting into the commercial carpet cleaning sector and how to overcome them.

In the article, author Fred Geyen says, “The outcome anticipated by carpet cleaners as they approach the commercial market is worth the journey that it takes to get there.”

According to Geyen, the three barriers that keep cleaners out of the commercial market are:

  1. Selling or getting business — Geyen recommends cleaners “start with 20 to 50 potential customers that you want to work with. Choose all the same type of customer: Pick one commercial sector you want to do work in, such as retail stores, apartments, manufacturing front offices, restaurants, churches or offices.”
  2. Pricing and switching to commercial cleaning systems — Geyen explains, “You must the take time to find out how to make money in commercial carpet cleaning at low prices, or this will be an insurmountable barrier. In a nut shell, it’s all about work rates and the maintaining of the carpet, as opposed to doing restoration cleaning each time.”
  3. Not consider the cost of time and money — When it comes to this particular barrier, it’s important to think in the long-term, rather than the short-term. Once you’ve established yourself and built a client base, the time and money you invested in the beginning will be well worth it.

For Geyen’s complete article on overcoming the aforementioned obstacles, click here.

Cleanfax Staff

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