The Experience University Will Host Business Planning Webinar

WEBINAR hand on table Business, coffee, Split tone

DENVER—November 9, 2020— At this time of upheaval and constant change, now is the time to rethink your business and plan for 2021. To help you do just that, The Experience University will host a live business planning webinar for the cleaning and restoration industry on Wednesday, November 11, featuring Lisa Wagner, BK Simendic, Tryna Cooper, and Larry Cooper.

Textile consultants Tryna and Larry Cooper will walk through the planning process for your business going into 2021.  Larry will work with the attendees on specific areas of info-gathering to enhance the business practice and challenge attendees to move their cheese. Tryna will take the attendees through an assessment of the financials and overhead for their companies.

Bojan (Bk) Simendic of Apartment Restorers will discuss hiring, managing, and reducing turnover among employees.  BK learned how to reduce his turnover from 300% to 30%.  What is the secret?  Find out live as he shares the strategy for his success with The Experience attendees for the first time.

Lisa Wagner will share best practices for marketing content creation and implementation in her presentation on “Marketing in the Middle of Chaos.” Customers are being bombarded with huge distractions. The pandemic, the fires, the hurricanes, the economy, the election. How do you market in a way that isn’t just more noise? In this course, Lisa provides strategies for cutting through the mess to connect with ideal prospects and convert them into clients while keeping yourself from becoming overwhelmed.  This education applies to any service business and will help those in charge of creating more sales and marketing results for their company.

Special edition

Finally, Larry will challenge the attendees to move on developing their business plans and get back together in December at no additional charge to work together and share on a zoom call what is working for their businesses in these times. You must be registered for the Business Planning Summit to participate.

To attend the live business planning webinar go to and click on experience university. NO Charge!

The Experience Team produces in person and online shows. Look for updates on the Experience website,  and on Facebook, The Experience, Inc.  Come join the Experience Team in celebrating the opening of The Experience University; it’s going to be a great Experience!

Cleanfax Staff

Cleanfax provides cleaning and restoration professionals with information designed to help them manage and grow their businesses.

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