The carpet reversal mystery

CHICAGO — The condition known as "carpet reversal" often develops after carpets have been cleaned using the extraction method and, very often, the problem is blamed on the technician, according to a press release.

Carpet reversal creates a permanent change in the appearance of carpeting that has to do with the way in which light reflects off the surface of the carpet's material, the release stated.

According to the release, when carpet reversal occurs, some areas of the carpet will appear light when viewed from one angle and dark when viewed from another direction, and the condition may get more noticeable over time.

"The first thing carpet cleaning techs should know is it is not their fault. Why the carpet lays uniformly when installed and then becomes distorted, showing light and dark areas after cleaning, is somewhat of a mystery," said Doug Berjer, product manager for CFR Corporation.

"In most cases, these methods will only provide a temporary improvement. Instead of taking the time to re-clean, brush or vacuum the carpet, technicians may be better off trying to educate the customer about what happened and why the cleaning professional and cleaning process are not at fault," Berjer added.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

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