Surfaces East features extensive educational offerings

DALLAS, TX — The International Surface Event East (TISE East), which encompasses three shows, Surfaces | StonExpo/Marmomacc Americas | TileExpo, will be held October 19-22, at the Miami Beach Convention Center in Miami Beach.
Attendees can attend over 50 educational sessions, on-floor demos, networking events, certification programs, off-site tours and view thousands of products, tools and technology on display in two exhibit halls.
"Our partners have been requesting a fall show for several years and with the economic recovery clearly underway, we are confident TISE East will attract a brand new audience, which will translate into new business for exhibitors," said Dana Teague, vice president, Hanley Wood Exhibitions.
"The industry has become accustomed to manufacturers introducing new products at the January show. TISE East will give buyers the chance to evaluate which new products are performing and allow them to adjust their inventories and merchandising strategy accordingly."
TISE East reports strong interest from exhibitors for all three shows. A partial list of participating major manufacturers confirmed include Bedrosians, Blick Industries, BMC Flooring, Breton SpA, Carpet Express, Inc., Dream Weaver, GranQuartz, International Wholesale Tile, Kane Carpet, Weavemasters, Lackmond Products Inc., Machine Tech Enterprises, MAPEI, Miracle Sealants Co., Northwood Industrial Machine, Park Industries, Regent Stone Products, Inc., Stanton Carpet, The Max Windsor Group and USG.
Show hours have been adjusted to allow both exhibitors and attendees to take advantage of a newly revamped education program which, provides for more interactive learning.
TISE East exhibit hours are 1:00 pm – 6:00 pm on Monday, Oct. 20 and Tuesday, Oct. 21 and 10:00 am – 3:00 pm on Wednesday, Oct. 22. Education will be offered from 12:30 pm – 5:30 pm on Sunday, Oct. 19, 8:00 am – 1:00 pm on Monday, Oct. 20 and Tuesday, Oct. 21 and 8:00 am – 11:00 am on Wednesday, Oct. 22.