ServiceMonster Announces Free Social Media Mastery Compilation Resource

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BELLINGHAM, WA ā€” ServiceMonster, which provides industry professionals with an all-in-one business solution, has rolled out a collection of resources aimed to help business owners successfully market their businesses on social media, a social media mastery program.

The collection, which is offered 100 percent free to its users, is comprised of a five-part video series along with a seven-part blog post sequence. The content ranges from how service businesses can most effectively use social media to how social media has evolved over the years as well as industry-specific case studies of interest to users, and more.

ā€œOur hope is that this information will help business owners deepen their understanding of how social media can benefit their business and dramatically expand their networking endeavors,ā€ said Joe Kowalski, CEO of ServiceMonster.

ServiceMonster is the leading business software for field service professionals. The flagship product of Principal Focus LLC, ServiceMonster is designed specifically for field service industries and helps business owners track and manage their customers, find prospects, create and process orders, schedule jobs, market to customers, and create automated marketing campaigns.

Follow this link for more information on ServiceMonster’s social media mastery program. Or for a free demo, visit, or call 888-901-3300.

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