RugLover tour 2012


rug loverBarry O'Connell's 2012 New York City RugLovers Tour took place On November 30 – December 2, with people from across the U.S. and Canada in attendance, according to a press release.

The tour's first day started with a stop at Nazmiyal's Antique Rug Gallery, which houses beautiful and rare antique rugs — some valuedrug lover2 at over a million dollars — in the heart of the Rug District; Jason Nazmiyal and Omri Schwartz hosted, the release stated.

According to the release, day two and three were focused on cutting edge marketing and a seminar on the pre-inspection of rugs, while Mark Kennedy and Lisa Wagner rolled out their new concept "The Real Dirt," a highly evolved systems that help you make a lot more money in cleaning.

Any time you put a group of rug industry people together in the same room, in a remote location, it's like magic, the release noted.

The synergy and enthusiasm that is created is amazing; for people who really want to learn more about their craft, a RugLover tour is priceless, the release added.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

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