RIA’s AGA Restoration Advocacy Report—Video Update

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MT. LAUREL, N.J.—February 18, 2020—RIA’s Advocacy and Government Affairs Committee (AGA) is taking unprecedented steps to advocate for the best interests of restorers and to create a level playing field where restorers are paid a fair price for their work. In this AGA Restoration Advocacy Report video update, Ed Cross, chairman of the AGA, discusses the progress made on his recent three-city trip on behalf of the AGA. Cross explains what’s happening with Xactimate, third party consultants, and the fundraising machine that is helping to drive this movement as the Restoration Industry Association forges on in pursuit of its objectives.

Cross was able to spend more than two hours with one of the largest and most prominent third-party building consultants in the industry. Cross said that they shared their concerns with one another and, encouragingly, discovered that some of our interests are aligned. Going forward, this will be an important channel of communication.

The AGA’s conversations with Xactware regarding the Xactimate claims estimation platform are moving forward. “There’s a preliminary framework to help address some of the concerns that we’ve brought to Xactware’s attention, and they are actually making a real effort, demonstrating an effort to respond to some of these concerns and we are grateful to them for that,” Cross said.

Cross visited Association Headquarters in New Jersey to meet the new management company hired to manage the RIA. “They are excellent,” Cross said. “They’ve got a big team working on social media; they’ve got a big team that will be working on the RIA website; they’ve got a lot of vibrant new ideas—they’re totally thinking outside the box.”

Cross also met RIA’s new CEO, Kristy Cohen, and attended the board of directors strategic planning meeting at Association Headquarters. “I was delighted to hear that the board of directors is willing to throw the full weight of the RIA behind the AGA,” Cross said. “What you’re going to see in 2020 is RIA really reinventing itself and coming up with a lot of new strategies and approaches that are very different from what you’ve seen in the past.”

In Chicago, Cross met with Warner Cruz, chair of the AGA Investment Subcommittee, to discuss some of his ideas about how to increase investments and continue to fund AGA initiatives. Cross also talked with Dale Saylor from the AGA Third-Party Consultant Subcommittee about developing RIA position papers.

“I’m very optimistic, very happy about the results of this week,” said Cross. “Please join us in New Orleans from April 14 to April 16 for the RIA annual Convention and Expo to get some big announcements about some developments with the AGA, and it will be your opportunity to join the movement.”

Watch the full AGA Restoration Advocacy Report video update from Ed Cross below.

The property restoration industry is huge, and there is strength in numbers.  Stand up and let your voice be heard at RIA’s International Restoration Convention + Industry Expo in New Orleans, April 14-16, 2020, and visit the AGA website to join the ranks of hundreds of professionals who have decided to support this initiative.

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