RIA to induct newest CR candidates at its 70th Anniversary Convention

ORLANDO, FL — The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) will hold its 70th anniversary International Restoration Convention and Industry Expo March 21-23 at the Marriott World Center in Orlando, according to a press release.
During the convention, RIA will hold an induction ceremony of RIA advanced certification candidates who have completed all requirements for the Certified Restorer (CR), Water Loss Specialist (WLS) and Certified Mold Professional (CMP) designations, which is considered an annual highlight of the convention. CR candidates must meet rigorous prerequisites, attend a six-day CR prep course, pass the CR certification exam with a score of at least 80 percent, and finally, complete a Formal Report, which is peer reviewed. Candidates from previous classes who completed all requirements will be inducted at the 2016 ceremony in addition to successful 2015 candidates.
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Jon Don hosted many of those seeking certification during its November 2015 Certified Restorer Prep Week at its Chicago-area headquarters. See the slide show above for CR candidates who took part in the Certified Restorer Prep Week, all of whom are attempting to complete the necessary steps for certification before this year’s induction ceremony.
The RIA convention is the restoration industry’s premier event for learning new and innovated industry trends, building new skills, networking with industry peers and suppliers and exchanging thoughts and ideas on the future of the industry.
For more info on the International Restoration Convention and Industry Expo, CLICK HERE.
To register for the event, CLICK HERE.
For all other information regarding CR, WLS and CMP programs, RIA membership, other events and more, visit RestorationIndustry.org.