RIA Board of Director nominations closes January 31


WASHINGTON, D.C. — The Restoration Industry Association (RIA) currently is accepting nominations for the 2017-2018 RIA Board of Directors through January 31.

Requirements for RIA Board of Directors membership, as created by the RIA Nominating Committee, include:

  • Nominee should have a minimum of 5 years of experience employed with RIA member firms
  • Nominee should have proof of at least 3 RIA convention or conference attendances
  • Nominee should be employed by an active RIA member in good standing who is either the owner of the member company or who has written permission — letter must show owner support for the financial/time commitment required of Board members — to be on the board

In addition, recommended RIA Board member qualifications include:

  • Service on RIA committees, councils or task forces
  • Active participation in another related association board of directors or committees
  • A history of article publishing
  • RIA meeting presentations

The RIA Nomination committee will review individual nominees for both required and recommended qualifications and notify applicants accordingly.

All applications for the RIA Board of Directors must be mailed by January 31 to RIA at

2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800

Washington, DC 20036

All qualification information is available HERE.

The application for nomination to the RIA Board of Directors is available HERE.

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