Registration Open for the 2018 ISSA Leadership Summit Scheduled for April


TUCSON, AZ ā€” The 2018 ISSA Leadership Summit, an event for leaders in the cleaning industry to gather and work together to create a well-defined understanding of successful leadership, will be held April 19-21 in Tucson, Arizona.

The event, which will be held at the Loews Ventana Canton Resort, will feature inspiring thought leaders reveling:

  • What successful businesses do to set them apart?
  • What defines a high performing leader?
  • How to stay in the game through change?

Leadership speakers Jeff Haden, Chris Trendler, and Marcus Sheridan will be featured during the ISSA Leadership Summit. Their presentations will be as follows:

What You Can Learn from Iconic Business Leaders with Jeff Haden
What are the qualities, attributes, strategies, and daily activities top business use to set them apart? Learn the ā€œlittle thingsā€ that set the top dogs apart and you can embrace as a business owner or manager.

Four Key Leadership Traits, from the CEO Genome Project with Chris Trendler
A decadeā€™s worth of research went into the CEO Genome Project, an effort to identify the characteristics that define high-performing chief executives. What are the pivot points the top performers have in common and how can you make them work in your business?

The Game Has Changed: How Todayā€™s Buyer Has Changed and What Your Business Must Do About It with Marcus Sheridan
More than any other time in the last 100 years, the buyer ofĀ today has made a dramatic shift in the way they make purchasing decisions. Unfortunately, many companies havenā€™t adapted to this shift and are ill prepared for the continual evolution of this ā€œdigital consumer.ā€ Sheridan brings clarity to the way buyers have changed and exactly what companies must do to not only align themselves with this shift in buyerĀ patterns but take advantage of the digital age as well.

In addition to these expert presentations, the event will hold ample networking opportunities throughout each day including networking breakfasts, golf and tennis events, and the opening-night Southwestern Happy Hour and Welcome Networking Reception. Breakout sessions for residential cleaners and BSCs will also take place.

Those who register prior to January 15 will receive an early-bird discount. Early-bird cost is $399, and full price (beginning January 15) is $499.

ā€œIf leadership success is defined by improving the bottom line, then whatā€™s the big secret?ā€ ISSA said in the release. ā€œJoin a community of like-minded, cleaning industry professionals, and dive deeper into what really defines a successful leader at the 2018 ISSA Leadership Summit.ā€

Register now, or visit for more information.

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