Poll: Purchasing cleaning agents

The latest Cleanfax poll asks how you go about purchasing cleaning agents for your company.
Take part in our purchasing cleaning agents poll here:
When it comes to purchasing cleaning agents, you:
- Purchase various products from a single distributor who carries several manufacturers’ items (or online). (94%, 125 Votes)
- Purchase products offered by just one manufacturer who has a solid, proven product line. (5%, 6 Votes)
- Purchase the most inexpensive products because keeping costs down is a priority. (2%, 2 Votes)
Total Voters: 133

Are you hyper-loyal to a single manufacturer, purchasing items exclusively (or mostly exclusively) from their product lines? Do you go through a distributor with a wide variety of products from various manufacturers where you can pick and choose the products you’ve deemed best from experience? Or do you concentrate most on the price of products, choosing cleaning agents that fit a tight budget regardless of manufacturer?
We want to know what you and the industry in general are up to lately, so please let us know!
Share your statistics on marketing with the cleaning and restoration industry. Your answer is safe with us. Tell us what you think, and check out how others in the industry voted!
Looking for the results of a previous poll? Click here to visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics from what’s most important when buying a new truckmount to whether it’s difficult to find and work with employees under 35 (Millennials).
Poll results show up each month in Cleanfax magazine’s Last Word section in print and online.