Poll: Marketing plan
BIRMINGHAM — The latest Cleanfax poll asks what kind of marketing plan your company creates.
While some companies already have their marketing plan set up for the entire year ahead, others marketing only during slow times. Still others find it unnecessary to market at all, staying successful solely through repeat customers and referrals.
Where does your company stand on this frequently discussed topic? Is creating and sticking to a detailed marketing plan a top priority for your business or an issue that doesn’t even crack your top ten of operational concerns?
We want to know what the industry looks like right now in terms of company marketing plans, so please let us know! Take part in our price comparison poll here:
Which of the following best describes your marketing plan?
- Even though I want more work, I have no specific marketing plan. (23%, 16 Votes)
- I stay busy, so I never/rarely have to market my company. (22%, 15 Votes)
- My marketing plan is set several months in advance. (22%, 15 Votes)
- I’ve finalize my marketing plan for the entire year. (19%, 13 Votes)
- I market my company only when my work is slow. (14%, 10 Votes)
Total Voters: 69
Share your statistics on marketing with the cleaning and restoration industry. Your answer is safe with us. Tell us what you think, and check out how others in the industry voted!
Looking for the results of a previous poll? Click here to visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics from what’s most important when buying a new truckmount to whether it’s difficult to find and work with employees under 35 (Millennials).
Poll results show up each month in Cleanfax magazine’s Last Word section in print and online.