Philadelphia Cleaning Industry Leader Celebrates a Decade of Fundraising & Partnership With Cleaning for a Reason


Cleaning for a Reason, an ISSA Charities™ signature program, takes a unique approach to supporting those who are battling cancer. Founded in 2006, the mission of Cleaning for a Reason is to provide at-home cleaning services, free of charge, to current cancer patients who are undergoing treatments or who need extra support. Cancer can make doing daily tasks more difficult, which is why the trusted network of local residential cleaners, cleaning volunteers, and community volunteers come together to provide a clean home for those patients and their families.

Kathleen Albertson is a shining example of someone who goes above and beyond to make a powerful impact through Cleaning for a Reason. Beginning non-profit work in the janitorial industry 12 years ago, Albertson got involved with Cleaning for a Reason by helping to recruit local maid services for patients while working at  Professional Building Services Inc.  (PBS). PBS began subsidizing the monthly cost and supplies of cleaning patients’ homes for the local maid services that partnered with Cleaning for a Reason.

Albertson quickly realized the impact that this charity has on those who are struggling to complete everyday household tasks due to the severity of their illnesses. She immediately knew that this was a cause that needed more attention from the public, so she began fundraising events 10 years ago, collecting donations to be able to provide more cleaning services for cancer patients in the Philadelphia area. The success of her fundraising and seeing how she was able to further the impact of Cleaning for a Reason encouraged her to turn this idea into something bigger, something that will truly recognize and celebrate the mission of the charity.

Her most recent fundraiser on November 9 was a booming success. “Every year we choose a theme,” said Albertson, “In previous years we’ve done a rodeo, casino night, ping-pong, and bowling. This year, the theme was Carnival. We had so much fun setting up themed games, popcorn, and cotton candy machines.” Nearly 100 guests attended, including NBC10 Philadelphia news coverage. The most significant part of the night was when a previous patient spoke about her experience with Cleaning for a Reason. As a single mom of six who was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant, she shared how isolating and scary of an idea it was to have to battle through her diagnosis alone, and how much of an impact receiving help from volunteers at Cleaning for a Reason during the most challenging time of her life had on her.

Seeing attendance increase each year put a huge smile on Albertson’s face. “This year we raised US$9,000,” she said, “This will be sent directly to Cleaning for a Reason and will help us get connected with local cleaning services to help clean more patient’s homes.” She explained how before the COVID-19 pandemic, it was much easier to hire cleaning services. However, when the pandemic started and many industries took a hit, it has since gotten much harder to find professionals to hire.

Her current place of work, Allan Industries Inc., not only allows her to spend time and effort working alongside these charities while she works but encourages her. “Working with Kathleen makes me a better person and Allan Industries a much better organization,” said James Strite, Allan Industries vice president and director of Greater Philadelphia. “Getting to listen and help share patients’ stories is what drives Kathleen to want to continue the work she does with Cleaning for a Reason. Kathleen sees this opportunity as more than just helping someone through a tough time and cleaning their home but making a lasting impact and connection that means just as much to her as it does to them.”

To get involved with Cleaning for a Reason or make a tax-deductible donation, visit

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