Online Poll: Does the Homeowners Insurance Crisis Concern You?
As covered more deeply in the November/December 2023 issue of Cleanfax, parts of the United States are experiencing a combination of extremely high rates on homeowners insurance as well as an exodus of insurance companies that offer policies on homes. Particularly hit have been homeowners in the states of California and Florida.
For the restoration industry, insurance companies not only offer an opportunity for potential new work through leads and connections, but they also allow homeowners to be able to afford restoration work on their homes. What happens to the industry if—or when—that goes away?
So we want to know how this is affecting your restoration business. What’s your own level of concern when it comes to the homeowners insurance crisis? Take part in our latest online poll, so we can learn how you feel about it and what effect the crisis is having on the industry as a whole.
Take part in the latest poll here:
Participation takes only a moment of your valuable time. While your response is confidential, your answer just might help another person in our industry make a business decision or find solace in shared misery. Take a moment to share your thoughts with the latest Cleanfax Online Poll regarding post-pandemic attitudes about cleaning.
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