Online Poll: Customer Inquiries on Vaccination Status

NORTHBROOK, Ill.—April 22, 2021—More than half of American adults have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, but we are still a long way from herd immunity. As the U.S. moves through this transition period, there are some who would like to limit their interactions to only those who have been vaccinated. Colleges and universities are grappling with whether or not to require vaccination for attendance, some businesses are incentivizing vaccination for employees, and the debate around “vaccine passports,” a method of proving one’s vaccination status, is fierce.
Until the pandemic is fully under control, some customers may feel more comfortable hiring home service professionals if they know the technicians coming to their house are fully vaccinated. In our latest Cleanfax Online Poll, we want to know if you have encountered this issue in your company. Have you received calls from customers asking if you and your employees are vaccinated against COVID-19?
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Participation takes only a moment of your valuable time. While your response is confidential, your answer just might help another person in our industry make a business decision or find solace in shared misery. Take a moment to share your thoughts with the latest Cleanfax Online Poll regarding customer inquiries on your employees’ vaccination status.
Looking for the results of a previous poll? Visit our poll archive. There you can see the results of polls on a wide range of topics, such as how you pay your techs, what’s most important when buying a new truckmount, whether auto dialers work when fishing for new business, and many more.