Once Competitors Michele Mosher Joins Paul Davis Restoration of Greater Houston

Michele Mosher

Paul Davis of Greater Houston named Michele Mosher director of commercial accounts as of Sept. 3. With 28 years of experience in commercial construction and commercial property restoration, Mosher’s record in securing large-scale commercial contracts in commercial property management, K-12, colleges, universities, hospitality, and health care is well known in the industry.

Paul Davis of Greater Houston opened their offices in 2016, led by Bob Hillier. The company is among the fastest-growing and highest-revenue franchisees in the Jacksonville-based Paul Davis Restoration North American network.

“We are excited and honored to have Michele join the PDR Team,” Organ said. “Michele and I competed for 20 years, and now we are partners working together at Paul Davis Restoration, a premier brand in the restoration industry. I have experienced just how good she is in her role and look forward to teaming up with her to continue market penetration and revenue growth for our team.”

While Michele will initially focus on the Houston market, she will expand her role to include other markets, including Nashville; Raliegh, North Carolina; and Richmond, Virginia.

“I have always admired Robby and watched him work so professionally in our industry,” Mosher said. “Even though he was a main competitor, it was hard not to like him even then. So now I am thrilled to be able to collaborate with him at Paul Davis, a company I always respected.”

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