New website empowers companies to review clients

iStock-50413642-533, a new business-to-business, membership-based website allows service companies to review clients and search for reviewed customers before accepting work, according to the website.

The simple to use website works like other review sites, in that use is simple — search for a customer with information available (name, address, company name, etc.), search through results, and read the reviews.

“Think of the peace of mind you would have if, before you start work for a new customer, you could search and see what kind of experience others have had working for this individual,” the company says on its site. “This could save you lots of potential aggravation and possibly save you large amounts of money. A bad match between your services or products and mismatched customer can be a very expensive experience.”

The website also allows users to review subcontractors with which they have worked, suppliers and other businesses, allowing users easy access to information on other needed interactions in their businesses.

For a limited time, is offering a free subscription to all new members, and membership can be cancelled any time.

As this is a new site, we at Cleanfax are interested in what you think of this concept. Do you want to review clients, or are you wholly uninterested? Sound off below or send Assistant Editor Amanda Hosey an email at [email protected].

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