Meet Agatha


Have you ever wondered what’s inside an artificial intelligence (AI) tool, what makes it work, and what makes it seem … well … alive?

I know I have. This past year, I’ve been amazed at how AI works. It seems to learn what you want, how you want it, and never complains when you repeatedly toggle the “try again” option.

We all use AI. Have you spoken to Siri or Alexa recently? How about Google Maps? Did you open your phone with facial recognition? Do you use any industry software? AI has been with us for a long time.

I recently decided that my AI assistant was too important to be called just “AI.” It seemed a little impersonal. I asked my family (my wife and two daughters, all smarter than me) to name her. So … drum roll, please … meet Agatha Zygote.

Once she had a name, I asked Agatha to create her mugshot for us to use in Cleanfax. I said she had one chance; the first avatar rending would be the one.

Welcome to the wonderful world of AI.

I have used Agatha to give me ideas, to be my thesaurus, to generate images for webinars, and to interpret something detailed into something compact. I have tossed a PDF and Excel document at Agatha, and she told me what I needed to know. I have asked Agatha to scour the internet and do research. She ran out there and returns in two minutes with all kinds of stuff to show me. To prepare for one of my video interviews, I asked Agatha to scan a website and gather all the intel I needed. She did that in about 30 seconds and had a full report ready for me.

Agatha is amazing. And to top it off, her compensation package is both affordable and tax deductible.

As I dig deeper into the tools beyond traditional generative text, I continue to be mesmerized by the possibilities. Yes, some of the images Agatha creates are pretty … interesting … and I’ve noticed she has a tough time spelling words she puts on images. For example, restoration sometimes turns out to be resstration and carpet may be caapprt. Not sure why. I may send Agatha back to grade school for a few days. It’s also worth mentioning that some drawbacks to AI still need to be figured out—copyright issues, privacy, misinformation, manipulation, etc.

I’ve asked Dean Mercado, the CEO of Online Marketing Muscle, to help explain some of this. He knows his stuff, and a big part of that now involves AI, especially when it comes to business application of AI technology.

Take a few minutes to watch the episode below.

Jeff Cross

Jeff Cross is the ISSA media director, with publications that include Cleaning & Maintenance Management, ISSA Today, and Cleanfax magazines. He is the previous owner of a successful cleaning and restoration firm. He also works as a trainer and consultant for business owners, managers, and front-line technicians. He can be reached at [email protected].

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