January/February 2023 Cleaning Industry Leader Profile: Legend Brands

Many professional cleaners assume that most cleaning formulations are pretty much the same – a surfactant plus an enzyme or another additive plus stabilizers and preservatives. But highly effective cleaning chemistry is far more than the sum of its parts – some ingredients can multiply a solution’s effectiveness, while others interact to reduce your cleaning results.
How can you know which cleaning chemicals will be most effective? You can either become an expert chemist yourself (no small project) or purchase chemicals from a trusted source like Legend Brands that has multiple chemists working full-time, every day to innovate the best formulations for ultimate cleaning effectiveness.
Micro-formulating chemistry
Many chemists base their formulations on data from raw materials manufacturers. Legend Brands chemists look at how each component interacts at the molecular level using “physical chemistry” instead of looking only at ingredients.
Using these micro-formulating principles and an understanding of what chemicals are doing at the molecular level, Legend Brands chemists work to control their behavior and interactions. Sometimes, chemical interactions deliver negative results and sometimes, positive synergistic results.
For example, when creating Prochem® Ultrapac Extreme, Chemspec® Ink Exit or Un-Duz-It Unleashed® cleaning solutions, Legend Brands chemists made sure they knew what was really happening at the molecular level so they could create great performing cleaning formulations.
Also, instead of building a concentrated product and then testing its dilution ratios, Legend Brands develops product at the ready-to-use and molecular level, and then builds the product into its concentrate form.
This is a much more complicated formulation approach—especially when observing chemical molecules’ behavior and interactions—but the result is products that outperform the best in the market today.
More critical considerations
What else goes into formulating a cleaning solution? Chemists must consider not only individual components and their interactivity – but they also must keep all these factors in mind:
- Will it be stable?
- Will it resist storage, transportation, and weather conditions?
- How long will the shelf life be?
- How well does it comply with federal and state regulations, especially new ones that selected states are implementing?
- Does it look and smell good?
- Is it cost-competitive?
- Are ingredients easily available, even when supply chains are disrupted?
- Is it safe for the consumer and the environment?
- And most importantly, will it do what it is intended to do well?
Buying the best cleaning solutions available pays dividends in your cleaning results – as customers’ positive referrals exponentially expand your profits!