ISSA named Safer Choice Partner of the Year


NORTHBROOK, IL ―  ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, was named a 2015 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award winner among 20 other winners announced by the EPA, according to a release.

ISSA was recognized for the association’s outstanding efforts in promoting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Safer Choice Program (formerly known as Design for the Environment) and its goal of safeguarding human health and the environment through safer chemistry.

“This award is reflective of the ongoing efforts of ISSA in promoting green cleaning products and practices that create a safer environment and healthy conditions for schools, work places, and communities,” The organization explained in the release.

Partner of the Year Award winners represent a wide variety of leadership organizations, such as Fortune 500 companies, small- and medium-sized businesses, state governments and nongovernmental organizations.

“We are excited and proud that the EPA recognizes us as a Safer Choice Partner of the Year,” ISSA Director of Legislative and Environmental Services William C. “Bill” Balek said in the release. “We will continue to support the EPA Safer Choice program as part of ISSA’s mission to change the way the world views cleaning.”

Over the years, ISSA has worked to create awareness and stimulate demand for green cleaning products and services. The promotion of the EPA Safer Choice Program to institutional purchasers, government agencies and suppliers is a critical component of this effort.

Some of the communications and promotional activities that ISSA has undertaken in support of the EPA Safer Choice Program include:

  • Advancing the Safer Choice Program and environmental protection through sponsorship
    and promotion of CleanGredients, an online resource featuring ingredients with superior environmental, safety, and health characteristics for use in the formulation of green cleaning products.
  • Promotion of the Safer Choice Program (along with other established ecolabels) to industry, institutional purchasers, government agencies, and others.
  • Advocating the use of safer surfactants to ISSA’s manufacturer, distributor, and cleaning service provider members.
  • Inclusion of the Safer Choice Program as a path to compliance with the ISSA Cleaning Industry Management Standard—Green Building (CIMS-GB).

“As the leading association for the commercial cleaning industry,” ISSA added in the release. “[We] will continue to work with the EPA in support of the Safer Choice Program (and other major ecolabels) as part of its ongoing mission to change the way the world views cleaning.”

The 2015 Safer Choice Partner of the Year awards will be presented during a public ceremony on June 22, 2015, at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, DC.

Cleanfax Staff

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