ISSA Education Adapts to Pandemic Needs


NORTHBROOK, Ill.—January 28, 2021—In a new article, “ISSA Education: Pandemic Produces Precise Pivoting,” Brant Insero, ISSA director of education, training, certification, and standards, discusses how the pandemic has influenced the cleaning and restoration industry and how ISSA and its partner organizations have worked to mount a response over the past year. ISSA continues to offer education and support both virtually and in person as our industry addresses the unique challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the article, the Global Biorisk Advisory Council (GBAC), a division of ISSA, led the Association’s pandemic response, creating a COVID-19 digital resource library, training programs for cleaning technicians, and the GBAC STAR Facility Accreditation program. The Cleaning Management Institute (CMI) also stepped in with new training and certifications designed to help companies meet the needs of the moment. The ISSA Online Learning Institute was able to support all of these initiatives and more by providing on-demand virtual content for ISSA training programs, and the Cleaning Industry Management Standard (CIMS) pivoted to fully online assessments, allowing organizations to remain compliant with the program while protecting the health and safety of their workers.

To learn more about how ISSA continues to support and prepare industry companies to address COVID-19 challenges, read the full article, “ISSA Education: Pandemic Produces Precise Pivoting,” at

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