ISSA Charities Calls for Donations for Wildfire Victims

NORTHBROOK, IL — August 23, 2018 — As California’s 2018 wildfire season continues to rage on, decimating homes and workplaces and taking lives, ISSA Charities, in combination with Good360, is asking for hygiene, safety, or cleaning product donations from the cleaning industries.
“Last fall, ISSA Charities and Good360 partnered to send more than $300,000 in cleaning products to organizations helping with hurricane disaster recovery. Good360 and ISSA Charities broke new ground together and filled unmet needs for dozens of nonprofits,” Good360 Director of Partnerships, Disaster Recover, Jim Alvey said in a letter. “Thanks to donors, including 30+ ISSA members, Good360 facilitated donations of $5.1 million in disaster product to Hurricane Harvey and over $2 million for Hurricane Irma relief and recovery.”
Now, as California manages multiple wildfires statewide, and with more than 2,000 buildings and homes destroyed across more than 726,000, ISSA Charities and Good360 have partnered again to gather donations for California’s disaster victims.

Good360 is ready with critically needed product for all stages of the recovery process and is already deploying product to its on-the-ground nonprofit partners. However, the organization has limited quantities of some critical need products such as:

  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Hygiene Products
  • Safety Equipment
  • Personal Care Items
  • Baby Products
  • Pillows/Sheets/Blankets

“As we help with the California fires, we are mindful of the 2018 hurricane season approaching,” Alvey added. “If you are able to help with product donations of any of the above categories, please let me know asap. We will work out a plan to get them where they need to go as efficiently as possible.”

To donate products, email Alvey at [email protected] or call 703-229-7554.

Cleanfax Staff

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