ISSA and RAI Redefine Agreement, Rebrand Family of Shows


NORTHBROOK, IL — ISSA, the worldwide cleaning industry association, and RAI Amsterdam, owner of INTERCLEAN, the global independent trade show platform, announced a restructured agreement between the two parties, which will allow both organizations to continue thriving in the global marketplace.

“ISSA and RAI Amsterdam are committed to serving the professional cleaning and hygiene industry and are determined to ensure that exhibitors and attendees alike continue to have the ability to discover the latest innovations and take advantage of business opportunities at the industry’s premier shows in Amsterdam, Istanbul, and the Americas,” ISSA said in a release.

Both ISSA and INTERCLEAN trade show calendars will remain unchanged as a result of this agreement. The Amsterdam event, May 15 – 18, 2018, will remain part of the RAI portfolio, along with Istanbul. The trade shows in North America, including Mexico, will remain ISSA events.

As part of the restructured strategy, ISSA will rebrand its family of shows, starting with the “ISSA Show 2018,” which will take place October 29-November 1, in Dallas, and including all other ISSA shows in Mexico, Australia, and South Africa.

RAI has indicated that the Amsterdam and Istanbul events will be renamed simply “INTERCLEAN.” ISSA remains committed to providing member educational and networking programs as well as benefits for exhibiting in Amsterdam.

Both RAI and ISSA look forward to a productive future, supporting each other’s events and working together to develop and improve the global industry while ensuring they create value for the future of the global cleaning industry.

Cleanfax Staff

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