ISSA Advocates for ‘Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit’

Two people in protective workwear cleaning and disinfecting offices.

NORTHBROOK, Ill.—May 20, 2020—Last month, ISSA launched a new advocacy campaign for a Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit. According to ISSA, the program would create a refundable tax credit to incentivize businesses to properly clean and disinfect their facilities as “stay-at-home” restrictions are lifted in order to help prevent further infections.
With research showing that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on surfaces for several days, the combination of properly trained and certified cleaning personnel and products is critical in helping to prevent the further spread of COVID-19 as businesses begin to reopen. Unfortunately, many businesses lack the expertise, products, or trained personnel to properly disinfect for SARS-CoV-2.

The Clean Start tax credit would help provide the financial resources needed for businesses to train their existing staff, hire a certified professional cleaning company, and/or buy necessary cleaning products and equipment, thereby ensuring workers and customers are returning to a clean and safe environment.

“We thank our members and our partners in the business community for their strong support thus far for this campaign and for all they’re doing to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” said John Nothdurft, ISSA director of government affairs. “Please take 60 seconds to contact your congressional delegation, as well as U.S. President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence to request their support for the Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit as part of the next federal stimulus bill and encourage your customers, employees, and vendors to do so as well.”

Take action now: urge your federal elected officials to support the Clean Start: Back to Work Tax Credit

ISSA is working diligently to support the full-spectrum of the cleaning industry in the United States and the world during the COVID-19 emergency. The association has engaged in discussions with White House officials, advocated for the cleaning industry to be recognized as essential, and called on the U.S. Department of Labor to broadly apply paid leave exemptions for small businesses.

For questions regarding ISSA advocacy, including the association’s response to COVID-19, please contact John Nothdurft at [email protected]. Visit to access all of ISSA’s COVID-19 resources.

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