Infographic: Five upholstery cleaning myths


The following infographic was taken from well-known industry expert Jim Pemberton’s Five Upholstery Cleaning Myths. In the article, Pemberton says:

It’s been said: “It ain’t what a man don’t know that gets him into trouble, it’s what he knows that just ain’t so!”

So, it seems to be with some of the myths that continue to be perpetuated in our industry.

Each of these myths have basis in fact — as do many cultural myths — but also have flaws in them that can cost you time, customer goodwill and often money if you fall into the trap of believing them.

Debunking these commonly held myths is not meant by any means to frighten cleaners away from cleaning upholstery.

Instead, it is meant to protect you from needless and potentially expensive claims and to remind you that the best way to prevent these problems is to rely on your own tests and evaluations and not on some things that “just ain’t so” — or, at least — not so all of the time.

cf-5-upolstery-myth-infographicCLICK HERE to read Five Upholstery Cleaning Myths by Jim Pemberton.

Cleanfax Staff

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