Illinois Amends Mold Remediation Registration Act to Include IICRC Certifications


The Illinois Legislature has amended the Mold Remediation Registration Act for the first time since its initial passage nearly twenty years ago. This time, it will include IICRC and other industry certifications as a pre-requisite to registration.

In 2007, Illinois passed the Mold Remediation Registration Act, a bill that intended to allow mold remediators to register with the state. However, the regulations imbedded in the bill never came to fruition. This year, Senator Jill Tracy, Rep. Nabeela Syed, and Rep. Randy Freese authored SB 1087 and HB 4476. Both bills, identical in language, looked to update the original law to include a mold awareness program and to require the Department to adopt rules to implement a registration program. SB 1087 was the version that inevitably made it through the legislature and was signed into law by Governor Pritzker.

The bill passed the Illinois Senate (55-0) and House of Representatives (106-0).

“When the legislators heard the stories from Illinois residents and other stakeholders about the dangers of mold and the importance of proper remediation, I think it struck a chord,” said Robbie Bradshaw, IICRC director of government relations. “It has become evident that policymakers across the United States. and on both sides of the aisle, are understanding the importance of mold remediators possessing industry certifications.”

“We were glad to see Illinois join the list of states that utilize IICRC certifications for their mold remediation laws,” said Carey Vermeulen, IICRC president/chairman. “Mold is a public health issue, and it is critical that the individuals performing this work are certified and are following accredited industry standards.”

The Illinois Department of Public Health will now be tasked with developing the registration protocols, which will determine what processes mold remediation companies will need to take in order to register. For individuals and companies who currently conduct mold remediation services in Illinois but do not possess an IICRC certification and would like to acquire one, there are plenty of opportunities to acquire the certification.

For more information about how to acquire an IICRC mold remediation certification, go to

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