How Can the Cleaning Industry Help When Cancer Attacks? [Video]


According to a study of Hygiene and Cancer performed by Dr. Tylasree of Tata Memorial Center, “Two of the important causes of cancer, especially in the developing world, are infection and chronic inflammation. Both lead to the upregulation of various pro-inflammatory pathways that have been linked to carcinogenesis. Conversely, certain anti-inflammatory effects of the commensals or “good” bacteria in the body can lead to regression of cancer cells. One way to maintain a healthy microbiome is to maintain good personal hygiene.”

With 54% of Americans stating that they or someone they know has had cancer, it’s no wonder why cancer patients and their families are highly concerned about the cleanliness and safety of the homes that they and their loved ones occupy during these difficult instances. 

This is where Cleaning for a Reason, an ISSA Charities™ signature program, comes in. The nonprofit which began in 2016 provides clean homes for cancer patients. Along with its partners, they have donated more than US$15.2 million in services, helping more than 45,000 cancer patients.

In the most recent episode of Straight Talk! with Jeff Cross, ISSA Media Director, learn more about the steps that the cleaning industry can take moving forward to help cancer patients lead safer and more sterile lives both in and out of the hospital. Alongside Alicia Scheel, the owner of Eco Cleaning Ohio, the pair discuss the Cleaning for a Reason program in detail, and Scheel explains what the program means for her and her employees. 

During the hardest moments in many individuals’ lives, Cleaning for a Reason offers a sense of comfort and solace in a way that not only protects cancer patients from additional illnesses but proves the impact proper cleaning and hygiene can have when paired with empathy and human connection. 

Watch or listen to the complete episode below and find out more about how you can make a difference by donating to Cleaning for a Reason

You can also listen to or download the Straight Talk! Podcast here.

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