Half of U.S. Workers Want Employers to Offer Remote Work

remote work

Half of U.S. workers indicated they prefer working for an organization that provides flexibility when it comes to remote and hybrid work, according to a new poll from Eagle Hill Consulting. Additionally, half of workers said they would consider looking for a new job should their employer reduce remote and hybrid work flexibility. Specifically, 61% of Gen Z workers said they would—the highest among the generations.

Further, only 30% of workers said their employer has solicited their input on what remote and hybrid work flexibility they would prefer, while 67% said remote work improves corporate culture. Workers also said their top concerns about more in-person work include work-life balance (48%), commute time (41%), increased costs (36%), stress (33%), and happiness (26%).

This research comes as many employers continue to increase in-person work, while other organizations are leveraging flexible-work arrangements to recruit and retain workers in a continued tight labor market.

The survey also found that employees see the value of in-person work. A large share of workers (56%) said those who work more in the office than remotely are more likely to be successful in their jobs. The vast majority (85%) of workers said team building is managed better in person, as is integrating new team members (84%), training and managing teams (78%), onboarding (74%), kicking off a new project (76%), getting a project back on track (74%), performance discussions (68%), meetings (65%), giving and receiving feedback (63%), brainstorming (62%), and IT support (54%).

The research also found:

  • Employees say the benefits of returning to the workplace would include increased socialization (46%), the ability to leave work at work (35%), improved collaboration (33%), and more productivity (32%).
  • Workers are split on employers tracking their attendance to ensure compliance with company remote work policies. More than half (51%) want their attendance tracked, while 49% don’t.
  • More than one-third (34%) of workers are willing to sacrifice a dedicated workspace in exchange for more remote work. Only 17% would sacrifice pay for increased remote work.
  • Nearly three-quarters (71%) of employees said someone they work with directly makes their remote work flexibility decisions.

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