Floorcare answers lead to new questions


FORTH WORTH, TX — A year ago, Powr-Flite, a leading manufacturer of floor care equipment, began a monthly news advisory called the "Powr-Flite Floor Care Troubleshooter," according to a press release.

Ever since the program began the company has received a number of questions from cleaning professionals, asking for help in addressing their specific floor care challenges, the release stated.

One of the most common questions Powr-Flite receives is "How can I tell if floor finish is really dry," the release added.

Most floor finish manufacturers suggest drying times of 20-25 minutes, but this can vary due to many factors like temperature, humidity and thickness of coating applied, the release noted.

According to the release, Debby Davis, product manager for Powr-Flite, recommends using either of the following tests, in an inconspicuous location, to see if a floor is really dry:

  • Apply masking or "invisible" tape to the finish and pull it up with a quick jerk. If finish comes off with the tape you do not have good adhesion and the floor needs more drying time.    
  • Place facial tissue on the floor, step down on it, and twist the tissue over the floor. If the tissue does not tear, the floor is probably dry.

Click here to read the release in its entirety.

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