EPA Recognizes Safer Choice Partners of the Year


On December 4, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded 12 companies the title of 2018 Safer Choice Partner of the Year. This award recognizes companies that have advanced the goal of chemical safety through exemplary participation in or promotion of Safer Choice.

Safer Choice is the EPA’s program to promote chemical products that are safe for people and the environment. Participation in the program is voluntary, but in order to carry a Safer Choice label, a product is required to meet standards for performance, pH, ingredients, and packaging. Every ingredient, no matter how small, must meet the EPA’s strict safety criteria for human health and the environment. Additionally, Safer choice products must use sustainable packaging, and they must perform as well as conventional products. Once a product earns the Safer Choice label, the EPA requires annual audits to ensure that these standards continue to be met.

For the 2018 awards, the EPA recognized program participants who demonstrated leadership in furthering safer chemistry and products. Program participants that submitted applications were evaluated on their participation in the Safer Choice program; use of the Safer Choice label; promotion and use of products using the Safer Choice label; outreach and education on the Safer Choice program to consumers and end-users; and innovations in safer chemistry and other efforts to advance the Safer Choice program.

The 2018 Safer Choice Partner of the Year Award Winners are as follows. Click on the name of each winner to read a brief company profile and learn more about why they were recognized as a 2018 Safer Choice Partner of the Year.

For more information about Safer Choice, visit https://www.epa.gov/saferchoice.

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