Enter the Dream Hawaiian Sweepstakes


HouseCall Pro is giving away a $5,000 vacation to Hawaii. The all-expenses paid trip to Maui will be for one winner and a guest. 

The process for entering the contest is simple. Refer people to HouseCall Pro using a custom referral link. (If you don’t have a HouseCall Pro account, you can create one for free here.) For each person who signs up for an account (paid or free), you are awarded 5 points. For each job your referral completes, you are awarded an additional 1 point. You can earn an unlimited amount of points this way.

The contestant with the most points on December 31st, 2016 at 12:00 AM PST wins the Hawaiian Dream Vacation.

The trip will feature a custom itinerary and can be taken any time in 2017. Flights can come from anywhere in the continental U.S. for a five night stay in a resort on the island of Maui. A rental car will be provided for the duration of the trip.

For those who enter but don’t win the grand prize, there are many runner-up prizes as well. If you refer someone who signs up for a paid HouseCall Pro plan, you will be entered into the Beer of the Month Club. Every month for the duration of 2017, you’ll receive a gift card.

Find out more details about the contest and the trip here.

Cleanfax Staff

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