Eliminate pet odors and stains with one product

Group of cats and dogs in front of white background

Burlington, WA — The new ODORx™ Un-Duz-It™ Unleashed is a three-in-one solution that combines oxidizers with enzymes and odor encapsulants to break down urine salts, attack organic waste and eliminate pet odors and stains.

Instead of carrying three or four products to eliminate urine odors and stains, cleaners can carry one highly effective product that’s easy to use. Just one application of Unleashed will eradicate difficult odors and stains caused by urine, feces and wet animals.

Cleaners can use it on a variety of surfaces such as carpet, upholstery and hard porous surfaces, such as wood, concrete, natural stone, grout, brick and more.

Un-Duz-It Unleashed simplifies the pet “accident” cleaning process. Pat Muller of Legend Brands gave demonstrations of Un-Duz-It Unleashed during The Experience trade show in Las Vegas. He said, “People were really excited about being able to use only one product instead of three or four to get rid of pet odors and stains. And, they were amazed at how fast and effectively it works.”

For more information, go to petodors.prorestoreproducts.com.

Un-Duz-It Unleashed is now available through ProRestore Products and Chemspec distributors. To find a distributor near you visit www.prorestoreproducts.com/howtobuy or www.chemspecworld.com/howtobuy.

Cleanfax Staff

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