Deadly Alabama Tornado Destroys Homes


ALABAMA—April 2, 2021—A series of severe spring storms cut through the South last Thursday, spawning at least 14 tornadoes in Alabama, one in Georgia, and one in Mississippi. The worst Alabama tornado touched down in Calhoun County where it caused five deaths, multiple injuries, and left a path of damaged and destroyed homes, according to CNN. This “long-track” tornado may have been on the ground for up to 100 miles, according to ABC News.

The tornado struck the town of Ohatchee, 60 miles northeast of Birmingham, killing four adults there as well as a woman in a mobile home in Wellington, Ala. In Pelham, Ala., about 60 homes were damaged with about a third of those sustaining “major damage,” according to CNN. Injuries were reported in the Eagle Point neighborhood of Shelby County, and a local airport in Bibb County was heavily damaged with planes tossed about in the storm, according to ABC News.

The Alabama tornado leveled some homes in the region and tore roofs or entire rooms off others. Flying debris also caused damage to homes and cars as the tornado uprooted trees and took down power and phone lines. Nearly 55,000 customers lost power in the Southeast due to the storms with more than 36,000 of those in Alabama.

As storms continued through last weekend, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey put 46 counties under a state of emergency. CNN reports the Alabama health department rescheduled a National Guard vaccination clinic in anticipation of severe weather, and school districts across the state also altered plans to keep students home during the forecasted storms with some canceling classes, dismissing students early, or moving to online learning.

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